Heurteauville peat bog
The Espace Naturel Sensible (ENS) of the Heurteauville peat bog is located in the heart of the Seine valley and is a rare wetland with exceptional biodiversity.
The peat was mined from 1758 to 2007, but the Département de la Seine-Maritime undertook to restore, protect and enhance this natural heritage by acquiring the site in 2005.
Extensive development work has made it possible to open the Heurteauville peat bog to the general public on July 15, 2021, so that they can discover the actions taken to conserve the site’s riches and the specific species that depend on this fragile environment.
Three interpretive trails will take you through this mysterious landscape, home to rare and protected plants such as the round-leaved sundew and a prehistoric fern called the royal fern.
The many birds that fly over the pond or nest on the small islands will amaze you at the observatory.
Visits are free all year round. A voyage of discovery along
4 km of discovery trails